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Search, Scoring and Matching | Ab Initio

Searching, Scoring & Matching

Crucial to providing digital services is the requirement to understand the relationship between data held on customers, partners, suppliers, and counterparties. Is that customer or company the same as another one? In many cases, this is not just important for good service and marketing — it is a critical regulatory requirement with significant fines for non-compliance.

Given inconsistent and incomplete data, matching customers and companies reliably and accurately is challenging. Ab Initio has a fast and flexible solution. Using search, scoring, and matching technology, you can analyze extremely large amounts of data from different sources, provide clear information on inferred relationships and why those decisions were made, and minimize the number of false positives.

Technology to rapidly and reliably determine the relationships between inconsistent and incomplete data

Delve into how Ab Initio can help you overcome your data matching challenges:


Rules-Based Matching
Tunable Match Thresholds
Reduced False Positives & False Negatives
High Performance & Scalability
Clustering Accuracy
Matching Inconsistent & Incomplete Data
Really Know Your Customer (RKYC)
Transaction Screening
Regulatory Compliance
Preprocessing Options

Case Studies Searching, Scoring & Matching

Case Studies

Preventing Money Laundering Doesn’t Have to be Slow
Finding Sanctioned Entities Without Halting Business