Ab Initio customers are in data-intensive industries as diverse as financial services, telecommunications, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, insurance, e-commerce, transportation, and logistics, to name a few. Applications built with Ab Initio’s technology run across the enterprises of many of the world’s largest companies.
The following customer case studies highlight the wide range of applications for which Ab Initio technology can be used.
When the only way to satisfy regulators is very rapidly processing billions and billions of records, what are you going to do?
Migrating decades of development from on premises to the cloud could involve years of work. Or it could be done with Ab Initio.
Competing on price is a race to the bottom. Faced with an upstart rival willing to give it all away, one of the world’s largest telecommunications providers found a way to keep growing.
Faced with correctly identifying a sanctioned individual, looking for that proverbial needle in the haystack was looking more and more attractive.
All the data in the world won’t help you make better decisions if you don’t know what you have, can’t get at it, and can’t add to it.
Multiple attempts to capitalize on the digital transformation ended in failure. What made the latest attempt different?
How did a financial services company dramatically decrease risk and shorten development time from months to days?
When your marketing campaigns are stuck in the past and require your staff to live in the office, it’s time to find a better way.
Sometimes, it’s not enough to just control the data!