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Forum | Ab Initio

Learn & Collaborate

If you use any of Ab Initio's products, then
we would encourage you to explore the Forum.

It provides a wide range of resources to help you learn about Ab Initio and collaborate with other users.

Training Courses

Over a hundred hours of self-paced online training courses are available on the Forum.

The courses use videos, questions, and hands-on exercises to teach the concepts and techniques of building Ab Initio applications. The first course starts with the basics; subsequent courses build on previous ones, covering increasingly advanced concepts and skills. You complete each course at your own pace.

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Product Videos

On the Forum, you can find lots of informative and entertaining videos about all things Ab Initio.

Ab Initio videos cover a wide range of topics, including our cloud support, metadata, productivity, change data capture, and descriptions of important new features.

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Product Documentation

The Forum includes comprehensive, searchable Help for Ab Initio products.

From the Forum, you can access documentation, release notes, reference material, examples, best practices, and more. Use the Help Library to create your own personal books, including topics you’re interested in and topics you write yourself.

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Discussion Rooms

The Community area of the Forum lets you ask (and respond to) questions, download reusable solutions, and much more.

Ab Initio consultants moderate the Forum to verify that all information is accurate and helpful.

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