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Data Catalog, Data Quality & Data Governance | Ab Initio

Data Catalog, Quality & Governance

Everyone agrees that data is a critical business asset. However, most companies have vast amounts of data flowing around their organization and cannot describe what data they have, where it is, what it contains, who is responsible for it, what its quality is, or how it relates to other data. Without this shared knowledge and associated management processes, being an agile, data-driven company will be impossible.

By providing an integrated technology platform — covering everything from data cataloging and enterprise data quality, to PII management, to end-to-end governance — Ab Initio provides the required data foundation for the business. The benefit of this shared knowledge is then leveraged multiple times by enabling the automation of various tasks (such as self-service data provisioning) and enterprise services (such as Business Intelligence applications).

Empower your business through data that users can understand, measure, and trust

Delve deeper into Ab Initio’s governance, quality, and catalog capabilities:


Data Catalog
Virtual Data Hub
Self-Service Data Provisioning
Data Quality
Metadata Management & Governance
Automated DQ Rule Generation
Automated PII Data Protection
Semantic Discovery
Enterprise Lineage
Policy & Regulatory Compliance

Case Studies Data Catalog, Quality & Governance

Case Studies

Enterprise Data Quality Management
Data Self-Service with Business Rules
Access Data at the Speed You Need
Addressing Data Quality
A Global Bank Drills Down
Putting the Quality in Data Quality