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Futureproofing & Modernization | Ab Initio

Futureproofing & Modernization

Technology evolves at a furious pace. Yet, businesses are expected to build and deploy systems that will last five, ten, or even more years. These systems are major investments, and their owners can’t afford to throw them away and start over every three years when a new technology emerges. Ab Initio helps solve this problem because our platform rides on top of these technology waves, protecting our users from the constant undertow.

If you built your application with Ab Initio a decade ago, it will still be fully functional with no changes on today’s latest technology — cloud-based containers. And if you build your application today with Ab Initio, in all likelihood it will still be fully functional a decade from now with whatever replaces cloud technology. That’s because Ab Initio is futureproofed.

Ab Initio also provides automatic translators from a variety of legacy technologies into Ab Initio. These applications can be moved with minimal changes, and they can take advantage of Ab Initio’s agility, scalability, robustness, and portability.

Modernize your legacy applications and ensure long-term investment protection on all supported Ab Initio platforms.

Modernize your existing applications and ensure long-term investment protection

Learn more about how Ab Initio can help with futureproofing and modernization:


Build Once, Run Anywhere
Containers and Kubernetes
Public and Hybrid Cloud
z/OS Mainframe
Mainframe Application Modernization
Integration Technology Conversion
Data Warehouse Conversion
Hardware and Software Upgrades
Application Discovery
Seamlessly include a range of technologies in the ecosystem
Avoid the pain of migration

Case Studies Futureproofing & Modernization

Case Studies

Addressing a Failure to Communicate
Changing Medical Codes Can Be Risky
To Trust the Data, First Trust the Process
When Modern Transaction Processing Meets Legacy Technology, Something Has to Give
A Major Retailer Takes to the Cloud
Rapid Decision-Making
Paying Bills Reliably Can Be a Problem. It Needn’t Be.
A Tale of Two Data Streams
Product Suites Don’t Need to Look Like Frankenstein’s Monster
Opening New Revenue Streams
Taking Control of Testing
Putting the Quality in Data Quality
Their Data Analysis Needs Were Growing — Their Existing Systems Couldn’t
Taking Control of the General Ledger
Breaking the Cutting-Edge–to–Legacy Cycle
From Months to Hours
Accelerated Development
A Credit Card Provider Moves to the Cloud
COBOL Application Futureproofing - No Downtime Required
When Your Current Technology Hits the Wall, Who Do You Call?